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Unidentified Arial Phenomena (UAP)
I have studied Unidentified Arial Phenomena (AKA UFOs) since 2006. I am especially interested in UAP observations in the proximity of nuclear missiles (ICBM sites), nuclear weapons storage areas, nuclear weapons assembly / disassembly facilities, B52 bomber bases, nuclear research labs, nuclear powerplants, nuclear weapons test areas, plutonium production plants, nuclear submarines, naval exercises, uranium mining, areas containing uranium ore etc. E.g.:
Los Alamos National Labs
Sandia Base
Killeen Base
Area 2
Pantex site
Hanford Site
Savannah River Site
Oak Ridge National Labs
The Nevada Test site
The Pacific Proving Grounds
Several ICMB sites, e.g. Minot AFB, Malmstrom AFB, Warren AFB, and Ellsworth AFB.
Among other activities, I have hosted the American researcher Robert Hastings‘ presentation “UFOs and Nukes” in Copenhagen in 2013, the American journalist George Knapp’s presentation “UFOs and the Media” in Copenhagen in 2014, and investigative filmmaker Jeremy Corbell’s presentation “UFOs are a Clockwork Orange” in Copenhagen in 2017.
In 2007 I founded the Danish UFO activist association “Exopolitics Denmark”. I served as its director until 2018. In 2018 the association became less “activist” and transformed into a more traditional UFO group: “UFO Denmark”. In 2024 UFO Denmark was discontinued. Nevertheless, I am still very active in the UFO/UAP community in Denmark and internationally.
George Knapp and Robert Hastings on the UFO & nukes connection
After having studied the UAP subject for more than 15 years and having talked to dozens of civil and military witnesses and researchers at international conferences at The National Press Club in Washington DC, I have become convinced that extremely advanced, potent, and unknown aerial technology is present in our skies (and in our seas). When considering its phenomenal and “impossible” aerial capabilities, it is my conclusion that this technology must be based on physical principles, which are probably not known to civil scientists. (I must emphasise that I am not a physicist and the principles being utilized may perhaps be known to contemporary physisists on a theoretical level). Nevertheless, this “physics” is certainly not available to the public.
Regardsless, I don’t think conclusions are warranted at this point in time when it comes to answering the question: who owns this technology? There could be many possible explanations: e.g., classified military projects, extraterrestrial visitation, a breakaway civilization, human visitation from the future, dimensional travel, something not yet conceived of or a combination. After this speculation, it must be stressed that most UAP cases have down-to-earth explanations.
Nevertheless, I am concerned that there still seems to be a prevailing political and scientific ignorance and taboo surrounding this subject. (This view is also more or less held by Alexander Wendt (2008). (I suggest that this ignorance should be studied within the field of agnotology). Furthermore, the reluctance to address the subject politically and scientifically, in a systematic way, could perhaps be one of the most dire and not yet realised problems of our time. It is logical to assume that the vastly superior technology could be used to ameliorate many of the world’s pressing problems (Uldall 2011). E.g. climate change, environmental degradation, and poverty. Moreover, there could be a huge business opportunity if the technology became widely available.
In my view, the question is not: Does this technology exist? There question is rather: who owns it? And perhaps more importantly: why is it not being shared with me and you?
Newspaper and magazine articles

The Guardian. Clarke, Stuart (2024): ‘It only takes one to be real and it changes humanity for ever’: what if we’ve been lied to about UFOs? January 14. Go to article.

New York Times. Guo, Kayla & Barnes, Julian (2024): U.F.O.s Remain a Mystery to Lawmakers After Classified Briefing. January 12. Go to article.

New York Times. Douthat, R. (2023): It’s Time for U.F.O. Whistle-blowers to show their cards. December 16. Go to article. (Subscription required).

New York Times. Cooper, H., Blumenthal R., & Kean, L. (2017): 2 Navy Airmen and an Object that “Accelerated Like Nothing I’ve Ever Seen”. December 16. Go to article. (Subscription required).

New York Times. Cooper, H., Blumenthal R., & Kean, L. (2017): Glowing Auras and ‘Black Money’: The Pentagon’s Mysterious U.F.O. Program. December 16. Go to article. (Subscription required).

New York Times. Blumenthal R. (2017): On the Trail of a Secret Pentagon U.F.O. Program. December 18. Go to article. (Subscription required).

New York Times. Cooper, H., Blumenthal R., & Kean, L. (2019) “Wow, What is that?” Navy Pilots Report Unexplained Flying Objects. May 26. Go to article. (Subscription required).

Scientific American. Kopparapu, R. & Haqq-Misra, J. (2020): ‘Unidentified Aerial Phenomena,’ Better Known as UFOs, Deserve Scientific Investigation. July 27th. Go to article

New York Times. Blumenthal, R. & Kean, L. (2020): No Longer in Shadows, Pentagon’s U.F.O. Unit Will Make Some Findings Public. July 23. Go to article. (Subscription required).